The seasonal swimming courses are now available for you to reserve your spot. This year, we offer a wide range of programs designed for all ages and levels, from babies to adults.
Benefits of swimming courses
Swimming is not only a fun activity but also offers numerous benefits for the physical and mental health of the participants. The main benefits include:
Available Courses
Introduce your little one to the water in a safe and fun way. These courses, accompanied by an adult, encourage familiarization with water and the first skills of floating and movement.
Our programs for children are designed to develop basic swimming skills, improve technique, and increase confidence in the water. Groups are organized by age and skill level.
These courses are ideal for both beginners and advanced swimmers who want to improve their technique and endurance. We also offer competitive swimming programs.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or want to perfect your style; our adult courses are designed to help you achieve your personal swimming goals. Additionally, it’s a great way to stay fit and healthy.
How to Register?
You can register on our website or by visiting our facilities at the reception desk. Our team will be happy to assist you and provide all the necessary information about schedules, fees, and requirements.
Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits swimming can offer you. Sign up today and dive into a new season full of fun and health!
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One of Barcelona’s municipal sports centers with the most history and character. A facility restored for the 1992 Olympic Games and adapted as a sports center.
Si vols provar el centre i viure de primera mà l’experiència, escriu-nos al formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tú. Només vàlid per a persones que no hagin fet ús previ del centre. El club es reserva el dret d’admissió.
If you want to experience the centre first-hand, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. Only valid for people who have not previously used the centre. The club reserves the right of admission.