To respond to the growing social needs of Ciutat Vella district.
“To make sports a key tool for social integration and to improve the quality of life of the community.”
Weekly activities for children, schools, parent associations, and organizations.
Total person per season.
Total boys and girls per season.
Total women per season.
Total person per season.
Total person per season.
Total boys and girls per season.
Total person per season.
Total person per season.
to more than 3000 people annually.
If you are an organization and want to know about our project, write us.
"*" indicates required fields
One of Barcelona’s municipal sports centers with the most history and character. A facility restored for the 1992 Olympic Games and adapted as a sports center.
Si vols provar el centre i viure de primera mà l’experiència, escriu-nos al formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tú. Només vàlid per a persones que no hagin fet ús previ del centre. El club es reserva el dret d’admissió.
If you want to experience the centre first-hand, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. Only valid for people who have not previously used the centre. The club reserves the right of admission.