Pilates reformer.

The Pilates Reformer method utilizes specialized machines to enhance the intensity of traditional Pilates exercises. These machines provide resistance, allowing for a more effective workout.

We offer group classes with up to three participants, designed by specialized instructors who tailor the sessions to meet individual needs and goals.

Additionally, we provide personal training services in Reformer Pilates.


  • Strengthens the body’s stabilizing muscles
  • Improves posture
  • Tones the major muscle groups
  • Enhances balance
  • Aids in improving coordination
  • Increases the range of joint movement
  • Boosts strength and flexibility

  • Specialities: Pilates reformer, Pilates mat, hypopressive exercises, health-oriented strength and functional training.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: Pilates and functional training.

  • Specialities: Pilates Reformer, strength, rehabilitation and readaptation, health focused trainings and functional training.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: fitness and dance.


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Si vols provar el centre i viure de primera mà l’experiència, escriu-nos al formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tú. Només vàlid per a persones que no hagin fet ús previ del centre. El club es reserva el dret d’admissió.

As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
We would like your consent to:
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If you want to experience the centre first-hand, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. Only valid for people who have not previously used the centre. The club reserves the right of admission.

As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
We would like your consent to:
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