
It is the most effective way to achieve results and reach specific objectives.


A personal trainer knows exactly when to push you during the toughest moments.


There are many ways to reach your goals, and you need someone to guide you along the way.


Ensuring safety during sessions is a top priority for a personal trainer.


Training doesn’t always seem fun, but our trainers know how to make it enjoyable!


60-minute sessions with a qualified professional.

Individualized training plans tailored to your needs.

Different modalities: individual sessions, packs and domiciliations.

Possibility to carry it out individually, in pairs or trios.

Different types of training available

ask them everything — you need-


Our professionals offer a wide variety of goals and training types to provide you with a service that is as specific as possible to your needs. Types include:

  • Strength
  • Hypertrophy
  • Water Training
  • Mobility
  • Weight Loss
  • Physical Test Preparation
  • Physical Preparation For Athletes
  • Rehab
  • Pilates reformer
  • Pre & Postpartum
  • Hypopressives

  • Specialities: functional training, water training, physical preparation for individual or team sports (goalkeeping specialist trainer), guided classes.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: football and fitness.

  • Specialities: Pilates Reformer, strength, rehabilitation and readaptation, health focused trainings and functional training.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: fitness and dance.

  • Specialities: Specialities: Post-partum and pregnancy training and hypopressives .
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: fitness, dance and hiking.

  • Specialities: strength, swimming, weight loss, phyisical preparation for tests and health focused training.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: waterpolo, swimming, volleyball, boxing and athletism

  • Specialities: strength, physical preparation in team sports, functional training, cross training, weight loss.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: CrossFit and indoor football.

  • Specialities: strength, functional training, group classes.
  • Sport/Physical activity that I practice: fitness.

  • Specialities: sports readaptation, health focused training and functional training.
  • Sport/Physical activity that I practice: CrossFit, climbing and Yoga.

  • Specialities: Pilates reformer, Pilates mat, hypopressive exercises, health-oriented strength and functional training.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: Pilates and functional training

  • Specialities: strength, swimming, functional training, weight loss, physical preparation for team sports.
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: football, swimming and fitness.

  • Specialities: trength, hyperthrophy, weight loss
  • Sport/Physical activity I practice: fitness.

  • Specialties: martial arts, self-defense, hypertrophy, strength and endurance.
  • Sports/activities I practice: fitness, kickboxing, hiking and surfing.

  • Specialties: Strength, Bodybuilding, Functional training, Competitions, Swimming, Mobility, weight loss.
  • Sports/activities I practice: Cross Training, Bodybuilding, Swimming, Snowboarding


As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
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Si vols provar el centre i viure de primera mà l’experiència, escriu-nos al formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tú. Només vàlid per a persones que no hagin fet ús previ del centre. El club es reserva el dret d’admissió.

As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
We would like your consent to:
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If you want to experience the centre first-hand, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. Only valid for people who have not previously used the centre. The club reserves the right of admission.

As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
We would like your consent to:
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