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Yoga inverted postures workshop

Next September 3rd, dare to try the Inverted Postures Workshop at CEM Colom at 10:30 a.m.

What are inverted postures?

They are postures that bring us many physical and psychological benefits. They are energizing and also very fun to practice! They can be very challenging, especially for beginners, and there is often no time in regular classes to answer questions. That is why if you want to advance in your inversion practice, I will accompany you in the process.

Who is it for:

Yoga practitioners of all levels who want to learn or improve their inversions can come. Preparatory postures and different ways to strengthen the body will be explained to practice them without risks.

During the workshop we will work:

  • Vinyasa yoga practice with basic and preparatory postures for the inverted ones: sirsasana, handstand and pincha mayurasana
  • How to develop strength in the arms and abdomen, openness in the shoulders, etc.
  • Subtle aspects, to gain concentration and control head down.

You can register at the reception of the centers.


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