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<p>Look no further, at CEM Can Ricart and at CEM Colom we have the ideal recipe to get your summer preparation off to a good start!</p>
<p>This time you will not have to resort to magic formulas to get in shape, we give you ours that works for sure. What is it about? Here it is: you just have to combine any of your daily workouts with one of our specific classes in the fitness room. It is a way to give your training a peak of intensity, try new methodologies, or have fun interacting with our technicians and other subscribers.</p>
<p>Among them you have:</p>
<li><strong>In both centres, Functional Hiit:</strong></li>
<p>Interval work circuit in which the pavilion, the synergy or any space in the centre that the technician considers appropriate to carry out this high-intensity activity is used.</p>
<li><strong>In both centres, Abdominals:</strong></li>
<p>Specific fitness class in which specific Core exercises will be worked on with a small final part of stretching.</p>
<li><strong>Specific to CEM Can Ricart, Functional Hiit + Abs:</strong></li>
<p>Specific class in the Can Ricart fitness room in which high-intensity interval training exercises will be combined with CORE exercises.</p>
<li><strong>Specific to CEM Colom, Cross Colom:</strong></li>
<p>It is a specific class of CEM Colom. It is a type of training of highly varied functional exercises executed at high intensity in a comprehensive strength and conditioning program. It is based on disciplines such as weightlifting, sports gymnastics and metabolic fitness.</p>
<p>Now you just have to consult our grid and add to your training the one that you like the most or that you think suits you best, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult one of our technicians who will be happy to advise you.</p>
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