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Women’s week.

This year from the social department of CEM Can Ricart and CEM Colom, we celebrate Women’s Day with a week dedicated to this very special day, from March 7 to 13.

43.57% of Can Ricart subscribers are women, and 40% of Colom subscribers are women. Women between the ages of 12 and 25 stop practicing sports, experts consider that this data is largely due to social prejudice. At Club Lleuresport we try to promote the practice of sports for everyone, so that everyone has the same opportunities.

A self-defense workshop will be held in each center:

– CEM Can Ricart: Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m.

– CEM Colom: Wednesday 9 at 10 a.m.

The way to sign up is at the reception of the center.

Apart from physical activity, a mural will be set up, the mural for equality, with the slogan: #SOMDONESFEMESPORT in both centers. The idea is to have a space where anyone who wants can write thoughts or phrases related to the world of women and sports, in support of gender equality. We encourage you to participate!

For us, for our rights, for an equal society.


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