Pool competition

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On June 18, the first pool competition will be held at the CEM Can Ricart.

The competition consists of three tests:

  • Speed ​​50m: crawl or breaststroke 50 meters or 2 lanes at maximum speed.
  • Endurance: complete the maximum number of meters or lanes possible in 10 minutes in the children’s categories and 15 minutes in the adult category.
  • Team relays: it will be a test like the endurance one, but for teams with relays.

It will start at 9:30 a.m. with the little ones and will continue with each category throughout Saturday morning.

The registration form is at the reception of CEM Can Ricart and for those under 18 years of age, the father/mother/guardian will have to come to register.

The registration fee is €5 for subscribers and CEM trainees and €7 for non-subscribers.

The winner of each category will receive a prize that will be given the same day at the end of the competition.

Come to close the season with us in the best possible way by repeating yourself to carry out this competition with whoever you want!


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