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The opening hours of our facilities are:
Monday to Fridayfrom 6.45 a.m to 10 p.m
Latestentrytime is 9.30 p.m
Sportsareascloseat 9.45 p.m
Saturdayfrom 9 a.m to 8 p.m
Latestentrytime is 7.30 p.m
Sportsareascloseat 7.45 p.m
Sunday, from 9 a.m to 2.30 a.m
Latestentrytime is 2 p.m
Sportsareascloseat 2.15 p.m
Públic holidays, from 9 a.m to 2.30 a.m
Latestentrytime is 2 p.m
Sportsareascloseat 2.15 p.m
* The schedule might change for general interest reasons.
The facilities will close on the following dates:
- January 1st and 6th.
- September 11 th
- December 25 th and 26 th
The facilities will close at 8 p.m on the following dates:
- January 5th
- June 23rd
The facilities will close at 2 p.m on the following dates:
- December 24 th and 31st