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Enhance your workouts with our boutiques

Did you know that we have two specialized boutiques at the centre?

Are you ready to take your workout to the next level? Would you like to experience something different?

If your workout is focused on body and mind connection, and you enjoy activities that require full connection with your body, or you already practice yoga outside the centre, we invite you to try Yoga Indra.

Located at CEM Colom (just a 5-minute walk from CEM Can Ricart), this boutique is the perfect space for disconnecting from the outside world. Enjoy specialized yoga activities in a room designed for a completely unique experience.

You’ll find styles like:

  • ASHTANGA YOGA: A combination of movement and breath. It helps restore the well-being and stability of the body, nervous system, and mind.
  • DHARMA YOGA: Focuses on opening the fourth chakra (chest) to release tension and emotions.
  • KUNDALINI YOGA: Energizing and meditative, balancing the nervous system with a profound impact on the brain structure.

Here’s the activity schedule.

If you’re into high-intensity activities, Outdoor Box is the perfect choice. With 21 cross-training classes, you’ll push yourself to the limit and discover that this sport is for everyone.

You’ll enjoy a different daily workout, share your effort with your peers, and feel rewarded from minute one. The planning is designed by our coaches, ensuring it’s perfect for achieving your goals.

You’ll find activities like:

  • CROSS: A mix of weightlifting, callisthenics, plyometrics, functional training, and bodyweight exercises.
  • METCON: The goal is to improve metabolism activation, based on time control.
  • TECHNIQUE: A session focusing on a specific movement, paying full attention to its correct execution.

Here’s the activity schedule

We invite you to try the boutique that best suits your motivations. Just stop by reception for more information!


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